Function Render-Isearch

Part of:

package weblocks
( render-isearch < input-name > < isearch-fn > &key < value > (form-id (gensym)) (input-id (gensym)) (search-id (gensym)) (method get) (delay *isearch-input-delay*) (max-length *isearch-max-input-length*) &allow-other-keys )
Renders an input bar with 'input-name' that calls back 'isearch-fn'
in delayed manner. This is useful for realtime searching
capabilities. Note, 'isearch-fn' is expected to be a function, not an
action. Render-isearch automatically creates an action that performs
certain operations (trims input to 'max-length', etc.) and then passes
action's arguments to 'isearch-fn'.

When JavaScript is turned off a button is drawn next to the input
box. The user may invoke 'isearch-action' by clicking the button.

value - an initial value.
method - form request method, defaults to GET.