Class Grid-View

A view designed to present sequences of object in a
grid to the user. This view inherits from the table view and
contains additional options used by the 'datagrid' widget.

Part of:

package weblocks, class table-view

Direct Superclass

table-viewA view designed to present sequences of object in a
table to the user.


If set to true, the field will be allowed to be sorted (and otherwise if set to nil). If this slot is unbound (the default), the value will be obtained from 'grid-view-allow-sorting-p'.
Initargs::allow-sorting-p; Accessors:grid-view-field-allow-sorting-p.
A caption string to be used for the table.
Initargs::caption; Accessors:table-view-caption.
A function called prior to rendering the fields. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::default-fields-prefix-fn; Accessors:view-fields-default-prefix-fn.
A function called after rendering the fields. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::default-fields-suffix-fn; Accessors:view-fields-default-suffix-fn.
A summary string to be used for the table if no :summary keyword is provided.
Initargs::summary; Accessors:table-view-default-summary.
See *render-empty-sequence-string*.
Initform:*render-empty-sequence-string*, Initargs::empty-message; Accessors:table-view-empty-message.
A list of objects of class 'view-field', used to describe the fields that the view will render.
Initargs::fields; Accessors:view-fields.
A function called prior to rendering the table header row. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::header-row-prefix-fn; Accessors:table-view-header-row-prefix-fn.
A function called after rendering the header row. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::header-row-suffix-fn; Accessors:table-view-header-row-suffix-fn.
A view to inherit from. Possible values include scaffold views (in which case a default scaffolding view will be used), a custom view name, or NIL. Specific views should inherit from an appropriate scaffold view by default.
Initargs::inherit-from; Accessors:view-inherit-from.
A function called prior to rendering each table row. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::row-prefix-fn; Accessors:table-view-row-prefix-fn.
A function called after rendering each table row. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::row-suffix-fn; Accessors:table-view-row-suffix-fn.

Direct Method

render-view-fieldRenders a given view field. This function should
render appropriate structural markup, and call r...
render-view-field-headerRenders a table header cell.
with-table-view-body-rowUsed by table view to render body rows. Specialize this function
to modify HTML around a given ro...

Other Method

render-object-view-implRenders 'obj' using 'view'.
render-table-view-body-rowRenders the rows in the 'tbody' element of the table. The
default implementation uses 'render-tab...
render-table-view-header-rowRenders the row in the 'thead' element of the table. The default
implementation uses 'render-view...
render-view-field-header-valueRenders a table header cell value.
with-table-view-headerTable specific header responsible for rendering
table, thead, and tbody HTML.
with-table-view-header-rowUsed by table view to render header rows. This functions calls
'render-table-view-header-row' to ...
with-view-headerRenders header and footer around the body of the
view. Specialize this function to customize rend...