Class Data-View

A view designed to present data to the user.

Part of:

class view, package weblocks

Direct Superclass

viewA meta description of the user interface.


A function called prior to rendering the fields. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::default-fields-prefix-fn; Accessors:view-fields-default-prefix-fn.
A function called after rendering the fields. The function should expect the view object, the object being rendered, and any additional arguments passed to the view.
Initargs::default-fields-suffix-fn; Accessors:view-fields-default-suffix-fn.
A default title that will be presented to the user if :title isn't specified in keyword parameters when rendering the view.
Initform:viewing, Initargs::default-title; Accessors:data-view-default-title.
A list of objects of class 'view-field', used to describe the fields that the view will render.
Initargs::fields; Accessors:view-fields.
A view to inherit from. Possible values include scaffold views (in which case a default scaffolding view will be used), a custom view name, or NIL. Specific views should inherit from an appropriate scaffold view by default.
Initargs::inherit-from; Accessors:view-inherit-from.

Direct Method

render-view-fieldRenders a given view field. This function should
render appropriate structural markup, and call r...
with-view-headerRenders header and footer around the body of the
view. Specialize this function to customize rend...